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The student edition of SIMULINK: dynamic system simulation for MATLAB, user's guide, version 2
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The student edition of SIMULINK: dynamic system simulation for MATLAB, user's guide, version 2

  1. ISBN:0136596991
  2. Call Number : QA 297 .S8436 1998
  3. Title:The student edition of SIMULINK: dynamic system simulation for MATLAB, user's guide, version 2 / the MathWorks Inc.; [with tutorial by] James B. Dabney, Thomas L. Harman.
  4. Publisher:Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, 1998.
  5. Physical Description:xiii, 224 p.: ill.; 24 cm
  6. Series:The MATLAB curriculum series
  7. Notes:Includes bibliographical references and index
  8. Subject:SIMULINK.
  9. Subject:Numerical analysis-- Data processing.
  10. Added Entry:MathWorks, Inc.
  11. Added Entry:Title.

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